Analyzing to Death

I was listening to a talk this morning given by Ekhart Tolle.  In it, he mentioned something interesting.  He was talking about the ego mind that most of us live in without even realizing it.  The ego mind is always judging and analyzing things and always reaching out for more.  What struck me is when he said that in order to analyze something we have to kill it, or it is killed in the process of analyzing.

Isn’t that true?  When we are constantly analyzing ourselves, our partners, our co-workers or even God we kill the experience of simply being with ourselves, our partners, co-workers or God.  Instead of living and experiencing the grace of life, we get trapped in our minds and end up extinguishing all that Life has to offer.  When we think about what love is, instead of simply reaching out and experiencing it, we miss the point.  When we think about God or reach for the next “spiritual” experience, we miss the peace of simply experiencing the Eternal Presence within us and everything around us at this moment.

Can I get out of my head today and simply be present to myself, to my partner, God and all that is.  I was going to say can I “try” to be present; but trying connotes further striving, reaching and grasping, instead of simply being present.  Instead of analyzing today, try to simply listen and be present.

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